Lets see what I like (part 2)

The professor asked us to post our favorite video. OUR FAVORITE VIDEO?!?! That’s like asking me to pick just one thing to do for the rest of my life. But anyways, here’s a video that seems like someone was bored and didn’t know what to do with his life. And who knows maybe he was, but this simple handmade animations is a great example of simple things that can cause great impact. Don Hertzfeldt, made a morbidly, gruesome, incoherent, stupidly amazing animation, called Rejected, that WON an award for best short film. “An animator’s commissioned works, rejected because of their increasingly absurd and violent tone (reflecting the animator’s own progressive breakdown), eventually find their entire animated world collapsing in upon itself.”-Jon Reeves

Small talk, big talk, little talk…

So lately I’ve been finding these very artistic videos. I’m not talking about video art, thats another thing on its own. I’m talking about songs, whom’s music videos are quite intresting. To give you an example, the song “Little talks” by Of Monsters and Men, is a song that perhaps you have heard on the radio various times already. But have you ever seen the video? Its perky rythm and catchy lyrics only get better by an awesome music video. The music video shows a great style and captivating colors that are a spectacle for the viewer. So go ahead, if you havent seen it click it! And if you HAVE seen it click it again!

Is this cool or what!?

Jason Limon is a young artist from Texas who’s art is a perfect balance of cute and dark. His gloomy artwork with very intriguing expressions just make me fall more and more in love with his style. This is his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/limon.art check out the video down below to see his paintings and illustrations but see the facebook link to see his sculptures!